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British Values and SMSC

British Values & Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)


The DfE state that “Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This can help schools to demonstrate how they are meeting the requirements of section 78 of the Education Act 2002, in their provision of SMSC.” (DfE Guidance Nov 2014)

“Actively promoting the values means challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values. Attempts to promote systems that undermine fundamental British values would be completely at odds with schools’ duty to provide SMSC. The Teachers’ Standards expect teachers to uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school. This includes not undermining fundamental British values.” (Dfe guidance Nov 2014)

Stanford-Le-Hope Primary School takes opportunities and is committed to promoting these fundamental British values and as part of the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust link our own Co-operative values in the following ways:


Self-help       Self-responsibility      Democracy      Equality      Equity      Solidarity

 At Stanford-le-Hope Primary School we also embed the ethical co-operative values of Openness, Honesty, Caring for others and Social responsibility, ensuring that all staff, children, governors, parents and other stakeholders, display these at all times. These underpin all aspects of the British Values within our school.


Democracy: Co-operative value – Democracy

Pupil voice, staff voice, as well as parent/carer voice all play a central part in developing school improvement priorities. The school is clear in demonstrating how pupils should contribute and co-operate and consider the views and needs of others. The School Council are elected through a democratic process and meet regularly, taking part in decision making on a range of topics. Children regularly respond to a ‘Big Question’ that focuses on thought provoking topics and encourages all children to express a view. The curriculum involves opportunities to discuss democracy and examples of it in society.


The Rule of Law: Co-operative values - Self-help & Self-responsibility

Staff consistently reinforce high expectations of pupils. Whenever appropriate, pupils are taught the value and reasons behind these expectations (rules), that they are there to protect us, everyone has responsibility and there may be consequences when rules are disregarded. The children engage with the process of creating law when setting up the classroom rules, these are displayed in each classroom. These are linked to children’s work as well as they learn how to manage their own learning and take responsibility for improving it.


Individual Liberty: Co-operative values - Equality & Equity

Within school, everyone is actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. The school provides pupils with opportunities to learn about what makes a good choice. Pupils are encouraged to express their views and teaching and learning incorporates their preferences and interests. PSHE, Topic, Newsround and ‘Big Questions’ assemblies are used to encourage the children to think deeply about the choices they make and the impact these may have upon others. They also learn that their choices cannot be at the expense of others in terms of discrimination, exclusion or prejudice.


Mutual Respect: Co-operative value - Solidarity

At Stanford-le-Hope Primary values of respect and tolerance permeate all areas of school life. This produces a climate within which pupils feel safe and secure and facilitates the fulfilment of potential. All staff demonstrate respect to everyone they come into contact with. They consistently model and promote the behaviours and attitudes that are the foundation of positive relationships. The strong school ethos encourages everyone to consider and support each other and to celebrate the worth and individuality of every member of the school community.


Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs: Co-operative value – Equality

The school’s curriculum aims to develop understanding of the world. The RE and PSHE schemes of work provide opportunities for pupils to develop tolerance of and empathy towards those from different faiths, beliefs and cultures. As a school we discuss and celebrate special events such as, Chinese New Year and Remembrance Day encouraging reflection on these events that develop a tolerance and understanding of others.

