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What curriculum will my child follow?

The curriculum is based around the 7 Areas of Learning, outlined in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. These are:

The Prime Areas:

•             Communication and Language

•             Physical Development

•             Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The Specific Areas:

•             Literacy

•             Mathematics

•             Understanding the World

•             Expressive Arts and Design

Practitioners in the nursery consider and plan for the individual needs, interests and stage of development of each child in our care. Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity.


We use a curriculum product called 'Cornerstones' to generate our topics. However, where children express their interests in things, this is adapted into the curriculum and things may change. In the past we have planned for work around ‘super heroes’ and ‘shoes’. Books also feature heavily in the curriculum, the children seem to engage well with any book written by Julia Donaldson.

During their time in the nursery children are encouraged to develop their skills of effective learning. Planning will reflect opportunities for children to play and explore, take part in active learning and to create and think critically.
