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Who are the other people providing services to children with a SEND in this school?

We have access to the following services: 

Outreach from the Additional Resource Provision for Deaf Students at St. Clere’s 

Outreach from the Vision Impairment Team at St. Clere’s 

Outreach from Treetops School

Outreach from Beacon Hill School

Educational Psychologist through the Local Authority 

Occupational Health Team via NHS 

Speech and Language Therapist via NHS 

Community Paediatric service via NHS 

School Nurse  


The inclusion team, including the SENCo, work closely with both social care in the local authority and the paediatric service. As a school, we use the MASH team for advice and guidance. 


We offer a service to parents whereby a member of the SEND team will attend with the  

family on paediatric appointments, Speech and Language assessments or any other medical 

appointment where the school’s input may be useful to create a more rounded picture of the  

child and their needs, should they wish the school to support them. This is subject to availability. 
