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How will I know if my child is making progress?

After your child has started in nursery you will be invited in to discuss how your child has settled into nursery life and the different things they have been up to. After this we hold termly ‘Learning Discussion’ meetings for parents to discuss progress and for you to look through their ‘Nursery Evidence Book’. 

However staff are available to talk to you at most times. If the need is more complex it may be necessary to make an appointment to speak to your child’s key person.

Staff make observations of your child, take photos and collect pieces of work that show what your child can do, or a new skill they have learnt. We encourage parents to contribute to this book by filling in ‘star sheets’ at home and bringing them to nursery. This gives a much more accurate picture of the ‘whole’ child and their achievements. All of this information is kept in their ‘Nursery Evidence Book’. We also track children’s achievements using an electronic system called Target Tracker. This enables us to track children’s progress and identify their needs, which would then be addressed in planning for the curriculum.
