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How does the school support social, emotional and mental health development?

All staff have been trained on the US Approach which stands for Understand behaviour and Support emotional wellbeing. We use the Zones of Regulation as a whole school approach, teaching children to become more aware of their emotions and develop coping strategies for when emotions can become overwhelming. Children are also taught lessons linking to areas of the US Approach such as learning about the different parts of the brain and their functions, flipping the lid, emotional pot and identifying stressors. Classrooms are equipped with Regulation Stations and staff use Emotion Coaching language to support children.  


All staff are aware of the emotional and social difficulties that children may experience, and needs are addressed by the class teacher and supporting LSAs. Where the need may intensify, we have a pastoral team who work with the family, child and staff to provide the necessary support. 

The staff use a range of programmes such as; Social Use of Language Programme, Exploring Feelings and Zones of Regulations to help children develop strategies for understanding and managing feelings and behaviour.  


Pupils with SEND are encouraged to be part of the school council and take part in activities outside of the classroom. We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying.   
